
This is my third wishacy.  I used to suffer from sim OCD but playing a wishacy has definitely cured me of that!!!  I find it hard now to play any other way and was not going to do another wishacy after my second one - but I just couldn't help myself!!!!

This time round I have created a new breed of sim - the ugly sim.
An Ugly sim's defining characteristics are over grown and prominent ears, over sized eyes, nose and mouth.
My main aim for this wishacy is keeping it ugly!!

For this wishacy I have used a blank world supplied by BSIRegina called Build Town II
The blank world can be downloaded from here
I have built up the town and added only Berry and Ugly Sims  - I just hope it is going to work ok - fingers crossed!!  All the "normal" sims roaming around are ncp's.

This is the first Ugly sim I made
Summer Ugli


The "Wishacy" is the brainstorms of buckeygirl06


A "Wishacy" is sim led - basically the sim choses his own life through free will and wishes, my sim will chose his own path and all I can do is sit and watch or direct him to do things that will fulfil the wishes that he rolls.
A Wishacy is usually a 7 generation challenge where the heir has to fulfil his life time wish and produce a next generation of children one of which will be the next heir.