Toby Ugli
(born in game - I was originally going to start out with his mother Summer, but while I was testing her out in Sunset valley Toby was born and I fell in love with him instantly, thanks to Marty Keaton (my favourite ever sim) who can always be relied upon to produce ugly offspring!!)
(born in game - I was originally going to start out with his mother Summer, but while I was testing her out in Sunset valley Toby was born and I fell in love with him instantly, thanks to Marty Keaton (my favourite ever sim) who can always be relied upon to produce ugly offspring!!)
Neurotic - Dramatic - Virtuoso - Athletic
Toby's parents are Marty Keaton and Summer Ugli
Tia - Toby's younger sister
Mattie - Toby's younger brother
Chapter 1
Tia - Toby's younger sister
Mattie - Toby's younger brother
Chapter 1
So, you killed Justine before she had her son, right? So Summer marries Marty when he has no kids and is a widower?