Saturday, 29 December 2012

Chapter 17 - Gen 6 - Lyric

Lyric:  "Stop flirting with me - its Saturday remember - the kids!!!!" I said through gritted teeth
Forrest:  "Sorry!!!  I'm finding this VERY hard!!"  he looked around him for the kids, making sure none of them had seen him flirting with me.
Lyric:  "So I noticed, but you need to try harder!!!"
Forrest:  "I know, I'm sorry I'll try but I keep forgetting. Where are they anyway? - upstairs? - it's too quiet!!"

Lyric:  "Mel has taken them round to Pipers they wanted to see their new cousin."
Forrest:  "You Git!!!!  They are not even here!!!!"  he grabbed me not happy that I'm laughing at him.
Lyric:  "Yeah but they could have been - you need to be a little more careful - it's hard for me too but I'm managing."

Public shows of affection are now a thing of the past they are now banned - no kissing - no hugging - no flirting - we decided nothing is to be done in front of the kids, it is all to be confined to the privacy of our bedroom.  Just one of the measures we have had to take to try and fix things.  Jazz did in fact have a huge problem with us being gay, Melody and Celo didn't care, but Jazz's behavior stemmed mainly from the fact that he is retaliating to what he doesn't like - mine and Forrest's relationship being the main thing, Mel and Lilac didn't bother him so much because they are not touchy freely like we are, as far as the kids are concerned their Mother is married to Lilac, they don't know just how bad their relationship is - practically none existent.  Basically the less Jazz sees the less he gets upset.  Forrest being a very clingy and needy person is finding it very hard to stick to the rules of no groping in front of the kids.

Lyric:  "This is the last time - Right!!!"  I said as I let him carry on holding me close to him.
Forrest:  "We could always take it upstairs if you really want to play by the rules even if the kids are not here!!"
Lyric:  "No - have you seen the time?  Don't you have a game?"
Forrest:  "Spoilsport!!"

Mine and Mel's relationship was something else that we had to fix, watching us fighting and the atmosphere between us is something else that is upsetting the children especially Jazz. We had to come to a compromise, she wouldn't try to jump on me again and I wouldn't be nasty to her - we have to put on a harmonious front for the children no matter how hard it is for either of us.  After all it is hard enough for the triplets to have "different" parents - to cope with both of their parents being gay and in same sex marriages without watching us tearing shreds out of each other, really we are lucky only one of the triplets have gone off the rails!!

The compromise is hard for me, I have to keep biting my tongue sometimes when I find myself going to snap at Mel for something she says or does.  Forrest too is finding it very hard to get his relationship back on track with Mel.

We have had some evil fights, me and Jazz, he is just a child and I find it hard sometimes to keep my cool with him, what is coming out of his mouth sometimes is not very child like.   I am the one causing him the biggest problem so I am the one that has to try and fix his behavior somehow.  It made our problem with Mel seem like nothing in comparison.  Suddenly my son hated me with a passion and he is never shy to let me know how he feels about me being a "faggot" - his favorite word at the moment ....... and my mother thought she had problems with Piper - Jazz made Piper look like an angel!!!!  What worried me the most, he has exactly the same attitude as my mother, cold and callous if he thought it he said it and didn't care how much and who he is hurting - he has his opinion and no body is budging him.  He is so like my Mother it frightens me.

Trying just to get a civil conversation out of him was the first hurdle - he was impossible and I'm sure he was using his neurotic freek outs to his own advantage - a few times I gave up and walked away so now he does it constantly - but today - he's in for a shock because I am going nowhere - no matter how long it takes.

Lyric:  "You can keep that up all day Jazz - I'll still be here when you're done, I just want to talk to you, its important."
Jazz:  "I've told you I'm not in the mood to talk to you!!!"
Lyric:  "Well you're going to - Jazz this behavior of yours really has to stop, you are really upsetting everyone especially your Mom!!"
Jazz:  "Don't care!!  Go away!!"

Lyric:  "Sorry Jazz I can't, you see your behavior at school is getting serious, they are talking about expelling you and if they do that we will have no option but to send you away to a boarding school and we really don't want that to happen."
Jazz:  "Good send me away, at least I won't be living in a house full of faggots and I won't be grounded for the rest of my life either just for having an OPINION!!!"  he screamed the word opinion in my face.
Lyric:  "You know it's fine that you have an opinion, it is not that what is upsetting everyone - its the way you are expressing your opinion that is the problem.  You can tell me that you hate me being gay, that's fine, but you doing it nicely makes a difference to you doing it nastily.  You are not being grounded for your opinion - you are being grounded because you think its ok to be nasty, naughty and disobedient - that is what you are being grounded for." 

Suddenly I had his attention.

We had a long talk and I thought we had made a breakthrough, he said he would try to be nicer to everyone, especially Cello who he really seemed to have it in for at the moment.  For a few days it was fine, no stroppy fits no abusive language, he even went to school and did his homework  I should have know it was not going to last.

One night I had been in the park performing for tips and it's way past midnight - suddenly I spotted Jazz running across the park, I'm not sure he had seen me, but he stopped dead in his tracked when I shouted him.

He wasn't very happy that I had caught him out after midnight when he was still grounded and should have been in bed hours ago.  I wandered what Mel was doing at home not to notice that Jazz was missing again, she's supposed to be keeping an extra eye on Jazz, how could he be out at this time of night.

I lost it straight away, frustrated that he had only stuck to his side of the bargin for three days.   Ok he had been to school, done his homework and not had any fights with anyone, but he still managed to sneak out when he was grounded and it is really late, what would he even be doing out at this time in the morning?  That was the puzzling part.

I don't have a clue what I am going to do with him, obviously the talk hadn't worked.  All I could do was take him home and get him to bed, I needed to think of a different way to tackle the problem.

Lilac went into labour, Forrest took her to the hospital.

Forrest:  "He has got my eyes"
Lyric:  "What have you called him?"
Forrest:  "Jake after my Dad, Lilac didn't mind either, she likes the name"

Seeing as Forrest has never been happy about having a child of his own, I had worried about how he would be when his baby finally arrived.  Now that Jake is here, Forrest never leaves his son alone for a minute, he practically looks after his son single handed when he is not at work.  Jake also keeps him occupied which takes his mind off me a little, it has helped him stop searching me out for sneaky hugs and kisses when he thinks the kids are not going to catch us.

Lilac is still in the hospital, there were complications and she ended up having a Cesarian.  There was nothing wrong with the baby and he was allowed to come home straight away,  but Lilac has to stay in for a while, so Forrest came home from the hospital just with baby Jake.

I tried to spend as much time with Jazz as I could, making sure he got onto the school bus every morning and helping him with his homework every night and most of the time taking him to the park with me.  We had a deal - he goes to school and does his homework, he isnt nasty to anyone and he is allowed to go out until curfew.  Any fighting, nastiness, skipping school, or late in after curfew he would be grounded the next day.  This seemed to work, slowly we were getting closer and he stopped calling me a faggot, he didn't try to skip school, was doing his homework every night with me without objecting, his school grade slowly rising to a "C", a lot better than the "F" that it had been for a long time.  He did get into trouble a few times for playing pranks but on the whole he didn't get grounded again for a long time and now he is quite a pleasant little boy. 

His celebrity status is shooting up a lot with his school grades.  He voluntarily spends a lot of time in the park with me now, even after he has done his homework he hangs around with me until I take him home. Hanging around with me he gets a lot more paparazzi attention and now has a higher celebrity status than Melody or Cello who wouldn't dream of hanging out in the park with their Dad, its just not the cool thing to do.

As the week started to fly by he became a totally different child.  He still hated the fact that we were all gay, I don't think that is ever going to change, but does not mention it any more.

It didn't take me long to find out what had fascinated Jazz so much to make him want to be out all the time and had him breaking curfew - magicians.  He is totally obsessed with magicians and their magic acts, so much so he already knows what he wants to be when he grows up - a magician.  He absolutely loved it when there was a magician performing in the park.

The only thing that never stops is the bickering that goes on between Cello and Jazz.  That is something I don't think will ever change - their personalities and traits clash too much for them ever to be the best of friends.

The relationship between Lilac and Forrest started to get a little frosty.  Lilac has acted quite strangely since Jake arrived, quite the opposite to what we expected from her since she played up so much to have a child of her own.  She has totally ignored Jake, making no attempt to bond with him, she left Forrest totally on his own to do everything for their son.  Of course me and Mel helped him but Lilac had not once picked up her son and shows no interest in him at all - she is being exactly how she was when the triplets were born.

While she is totally active in helping to look after the triplets she totally ignored her own son.  Forrest is getting quiet angry with the situation as he had never really wanted a child of his own he only went ahead with the AI to shut Lilac up, now she does this, it doesn't really make a lot of sense.

Jake had his birthday and became a toddler, he has Forrest's hair as well as his eyes.  He looks like he is going to be as good looking as Forrest and doesn't appear to have inherited any of Lilac's ugli genes, although his nose does look a little on the wide side.

I was in the park at the weekend playing for tips, feeling a little happier about life, my phone started ringing, I stopped singing to answer it, the smile on my face quickly vanished as I am receiving an hysterical phone call from home - so hysterical I could hardly hear properly what was being said.  I shut off my phone and quickly started to run home, fearing the worst.

 Tragedy has struck - there is a body floating face down in the swimming pool

but who??


Jazz has got to be hands down the worst sim child I have ever had!!!  At one point he was enemies with virtually everyone in the house - not even Amber managed to accomplish that!!  It started with him skipping school constantly - from there it went down hill - he was constantly grounded and his favourite trick was going AWOL after school (when he did manage to get there) - not going home going off somewhere else.  Lyric kept wishing to be friends with Jazz so I managed somehow to turn it around - eventually.


  1. The constant grounding is one of the most annoying things since they can't raise the grade in one day and so they get grounded again. It's a vicious cycle, but you were lucky that you got them to be friends and bring his grade up. Lilac and Forrest's son is adorable.

    1. I know its a total nightmare - luckily Lyric kept wishing to be friends with Jazz so I was able to work on it - I think its pathetic that when they are grounded this also means they cant go to school without getting a scolding - something EA really need to change!!! Yes Jake is just too cute :) He turns out to have more ugly in him than you can see when hes a toddler.

  2. I just dropped by, and I love this legacy! I love the way you write it too. I do have to say that the Uglis are awfully cute for an Uglacy :).

    1. Oh, I see. I jumped to the wrong conclusion from your titles. This isn't an Uglacy. It's a wishacy about a subspecies of Sim. I think the Uglies are pretty adorable, actually.

    2. Thanks - yes its an ugly wishacy - I actually find my ugly sims pretty cute now too - I love the babies because i never know what I am going to get :)

  3. Oooo Noooo...a cliffhanger! Please, please don't be one of the kids.....I'm thinking Mel or Lilac. Mel could be depressed because she isn't able to get with Lyric or Lilac could be suffering from postpartum depression. Love your pics, story line and writing!

    1. Thank you for reading!! I will try not to leave you hanging for too long - even though Ive had a tagedy of my own in real life I do have the next two chapter written - I just need to get my head together to proof read them.

  4. It's got to be Lilac. I don't care for either of the females, so I do hope it is one of them.

    Jazz is a right brat! I am glad to see that Lyric was able to get him focused.

    1. mmm - you will find out who soon :)
      Its Ambers pink hair and eyes I think that is Jazz's problem - lol - he is very Amber like in his attitude :/
