Wednesday 8 February 2012

Chapter 4 - Gen 4 - Cain

Mom has moved Leon in, I think he is pretty strange, but she is smiling now and I have not really seen her do that much smiling since Dad died.

They told us that they were planning on getting married and I only joked about them having a baby and my mom said that it was a possibility as Leon doesn't have any children and wants some.

I am not sure having children is a good idea at their time of life, they are not too far from being elderly.

It was not long before Mom announced that she was pregnant.  Of course Leon was happy about it.

I was not so impressed when she told me her news.

"Well I suppose I had better get some practice in"
"What's wrong Cain I thought you would be happy about getting another brother or sister."
"How old are you Mom? I am going to be the one left looking after this baby when your gone aren't I!!  This kid is going to be like me losing a parent when it is a teenager, but I lost only one parent, this child will lose both!!"

Leon was really happy about the baby and was reading pregnancy books.  Cory, Sugar and their two kids moved into a place of their own, and the house suddenly became very quiet with just the three of us. Mom, Leon and me.

I wanted to hang out with Apricot, it is agrevating me that she is still a teenager, she has ages to her birthday and it now feels very odd with the age difference for us to be hanging out together.

I really like Apricot and can't wait for her to age up, and while I am waiting for that to happen I feel like I am in limbo, just killing time till that happens.

I started to worry about myself a little after what happened at the dance club.  My agent had sent me there to tear up the dance floor for three hours.

I ordered a drink and before long I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was Jaamal, my brother in law, the guy that my brother Cody is married to.

We got talking and before long Jaamal started to flirt with me, and I nearly fell for it, he is a good looking guy and could see why my brother might fancy him, I flirted back.  Then I remembered who he was and had Cory's voice going on in the back of my head, "Your gay, see I told you so!!"  I got out of the club and away from Jaamal as quickly as I could, but I had scared myself.

When I got home I bumped into my Dads upset and angry ghost.  He had been out everyday after he first died but then it wore away and I had not seen him for ages.

I then probably found out the reason why my Dad's ghost might be upset and angry.  While I had been out my Mom had had the baby.  I now had a new little brother called Reece.

"Cain isn't it about time you got yourself a job?"
"You what??!!!"
"Well it has been a while since you graduated Cain."
"Look Leon, just because you and Mom have a kid together doesn't make you my Dad suddenly!!"
"I know that, its just your Mom is getting a little worried that you just seem to be moping about and not making a life for yourself."
"Well if Mom is worried then she should talk to me about it, not get you to do it for her!!"

I was struggling to decide on a job, I really did not know what I wanted to do.  Then there was Apricot and her birthday being miles away.  Just as I start thinking about her my phone rings and it is her.

I think I am falling in love with her.

I really don't know why my Mom bothered having Reece, because she never goes near the kid!!  Leon is the one doing everything with Reece as well as working full time as a journalist.  Leon doesn't seem to mind though.

I just wished they wouldn't keep carrying on in front of me, I think they forget I am there sometimes!!

How am I supposed to concentrate on anything when I have those two running around and giggling like a pair of school kids all the time.  Having had enough of them I decided to go jogging instead of working out with the tv.

I had a book signing to do at the bookstore so I thought I would jog there.  As usual I had the photograph and autograph hunters hound me as soon as I stood still for two minutes.

River Grape asked me for my autograph.  I vaguely knew him I know he is married to my Granddad Blake's sister and is a friend of Mom's.  So naturally we got chatting, but I wished now we hadn't.

He asked me how my Mom was so obviously I started talking about Leon and Reece.  Big Mistake, it took me a few minutes to realise what was going on, but too late I had already opened my big mouth.

He started to get upset and angry.

To start with I was confused.  Why would he be getting upset about my Mom marrying Leon and having a baby.  When he started crying like a baby the penny dropped.

"River have you been having an affair with my Mom??"
"Yes we have, she told me she loved me, I wandered why she has only been talking to me over the phone, she said she wouldn't see me again until I had left Autumn"
"How long have you two been carrying on?
"Since not long after your Dad died."
"Does your wife know?"

River stormed off it was only then that I noticed Autumn and my half sister Angel standing not too far away talking to each other.   By the look on her face Autumn hadn't known about River and my Mom, but I think she might now - she was close enough to have heard what we were talking about!!!

"Hey little brother what have you said to upset River?"
"Oh nothing."
"It didn't look like nothing to me!!"
"Trust me - you wouldn't want to know!!"

We got talking.  I always felt strange being around Angel, I didn't feel like she was my big sister, there was no connection there between us.  I think to me she will always be just my High School teacher, even though she always hugs me like a big sister would.

"Thanks for dropping me in it with River today!!"
"Mom don't even start - you are disgusting - I can't believe you just said that, how the hell did I know you were having an secret affair with a married man behind your husbands back - does Leon know by the way??"
"No and your not going to tell him either!!"
"Well you best had sort your head out because when it all comes out and blows up in your face I am not covering for you!!"

"Cain ...."
"No Mom, River got upset over you in front of his wife, so I think she now knows about your sordid little affair, so I doubt that it will be long before Leon finds out anyway, I am just glad I won't be here when the shit hits the fan!!"
"Why? Cain where are you going?"
"I'm taking a vacation, I am going to Egypt."



  1. She is pretty cruel to Leon. I hope Cain has a good trip to Egypt.

    1. yes she is isn't she!!!! I feel so sorry for poor leon - another one with a wishacy bad life!!

  2. UGH! Poor Leon! He deserves way better!
