Thursday, 22 September 2011

Chapter 14 - Gen 1 - Toby

I loved teaching Blake to talk, it was taking a while but he was getting there, he was just started to repeat everything back, a little badly mispronounced sometimes but you could tell what he was trying to say.

Our second baby was due anytime now and all Jade was doing was sleeping, anywhere and everywhere she could,

She suddenly dived off the couch she was sleeping on and moaned, she was clutching her stomach so I knew it was time and the baby was on its way, and surprisingly this time I didn't panic like I had when Blake was born.  This time we got to the hospital in plenty of time.

Dad was really pleased he got to baby sit while we were at the hospital.   There was still a lot of tension between my parents and Jade.  Since Jade had thrown a tantrum over my parents fussing over Blake it was now a case of they get him when she says they do and that isn't often.

We came out of the hospital with a second boy, who Jade insisted we called Mint because of his colour, he had green skin like Jade.

I could see he had my eye colour and his face actually looked pretty normal, I didn't think there was going to be a lot of "ugly" in him as he grew up.

"Toby what are you looking at him like that for?"
"Just checking his face for "ugly" bits"
"Put him down, he'll turn out how he turns out."

"You know I wanted a girl not a boy"
"Me too but I suppose its better for Blake I would much rather have had a brother than a sister when I was young and the gap between me and Matties was a little too much."
"Maybe we should try again for a girl."
"WOW Slow down - we aren't having another one yet, Jade he isn't a day old yet and your already on about another - your mad!!!"
"You know I want at least 5 children."
"Yes, I know but not all at once surely,  I am not saying no more I am saying not yet."

Jade went to sleep and I stayed downstairs to look after the boys, Blake was far from tired and I had the feeling that by the time I got Blake settle down and asleep, Mint would would be waking and want feeding and changing.

Blake loved me to read to him till he fell asleep, the trouble was I got so engrossed in the story he would fall asleep and I would carry on reading to him not noticing he had already dropped off.

Mint did wake after Blake went to sleep and it was nearly morning before I had them both asleep, too exhausted to even climb the stairs I slept on the couch.

I had arranged to hang out with Apple after he had finished work and I took Blake with me so Jade wouldn't have both of them to contend with.

Hiya Mandarine, your Dad back yet?"
"No but he should be soon."

How quickly they grow up - he is already a teen and I would swear he was Apple all but the blue skin.

Me and Mandarine had been quietly chatting when I suddenly heard Pear behind me.

"Oh look the ugly uncle has come to visit - you trying to rub it in ugli"
"I am waiting for Apple to come back from work - got a problem with that."
"Yeah why did you have to bring that with you - my word he is even uglier than you!!"
"Oh grow up Pear, you can say what you like to me but just leave Blake out of it!!"
"Blake is that what you called it - who chose that you or HER?  I bet she knows what she's done now doesn't she, proud of her "ugly" child is she!!??"
"Uncle Pear why are you being so nasty to Uncle Toby?"
"Ignore him Mandarine, we have always hated each other haven't we Pear!!"
"Too right and the quicker you get your ugly but out of here the better!!"

Marmalade wandered off looking a little confused, he didn't go far, just as far as the couch, he turned on the tv and he had half an eye on the tv and half an eye on us.

"You know you should hold your tongue while the kids are around I am just glad Blake is not old enough to understand you."
"You know I have been all sweetness and light with your "ugly" sister and my "ugly" nephew but when it comes to you I don't seem to be able to hold my tongue!!"
"Well maybe you should try harder in front of the kids!!"

"So come on ugli, why did you bring him round here?"
"Not to wind you up if that's what your thinking, you know I never even gave you a thought until I heard you being your old usual self, unpleasant as ever, and poor Apple believes you've turned over a new leaf, somehow I knew that would never happen!!"
"I have just not where you are concerned!!"
"Like I said, do whatever with me, but when my kids are around I would rather you didn't."

"Yeah we have two kids, didn't Apple tell you we just had another baby?"
"Another one!!"
"Yeah, another one."
He just stood there staring at me.
"What's the matter Pear you look a little lost for words."

"I thought maybe she might come to her senses when she had an "ugly" kid to contend with - but its not happening is it - she meant what she said, didnt she!!"
"Pear.......... "
"Just don't say anything Toby, I know."

Pear just wandered off without another word.

"Hi Toby, I didn't forget about you I got held up at work and I am sorry I have got to dash again in half an hour, someone is off sick and I got roped into cover."
"Its fine."
"You ok?"
"Yeah fine, its probably best I went anyway, I think I have upset Pear bringing Blake, I should never have brought him round here - I didn't think!!"
"Don't be silly he is over all that."
"He isn't Apple - he is far from over it!!"
"Naaah you got it wrong!!"

"Listen, you call him - I am telling you, he might be ok about Tia and Nectarine but me and Jade that's a different story - he is not over Jade and I don't think he will ever get over it, he hates me because she chose me and not him, that I can accept but believe me Apple - he is no more over it than the he was the day we got married!!"
"What did he say exactly?"
"He was being his normal obnoxious self, he upset Mandarine a little I think because he was listening to it - hut he was going on with the normal ugly stuff and said I only brought my ugly child round here to rub his nose in, he was laughing at Jade saying I bet she realises what she has done now she has an ugly child to content with - it was when he found out we had another baby it knocked him for six - he said to me - he thought she would come to her senses but it isnt happening is it - she meant what she said didn't she - then he actually called me Toby for the first time in his life and wandered off head down."

"I thought he was over Jade."
"Far from it, its a good job I never told him she's playing up for baby no. 3 - he didn't take the news of Mint very well a third child and he would have been hanging himself!!"
"Do you really think its that bad?"
"I doubt he'll hang himself, that I was joking about -  but he is still very cut up about it all!!"
"I'll have a word with him."

When I got home Jade was just putting Mint back in his crib.  Blake was getting tired so I got him ready for bed and fell straight to sleep without a story.

"What's up with you?"
"I'm ok just had a bit of a run in with Pear that's all!!"
"Forget him!!"
"I try to don't you worry!!"

"You know its Mint's birthday soon!!"
"Yes, and Mom and Dads."
"Well,  I was thinking, now we have waited a while .........."
"You want another baby!"
"Can we?"

"I suppose."
"We can!!"
"Yes ok"

Hopefully baby number three is on its way.



  1. Oh Pear. That face he made is sooooo sad. Are limiting the babies this time around? or are you letting them get as many as they'll wish for?

  2. I am letting them have as many as they wish for - i need too to make sure i have an ugly heir :)
