Sunday, 13 November 2011

Chapter 15 - Gen 2 - Blake

Watching Larna and Angel together through the kitchen window didn't make me feel any better about the situation.  I hoped that it would just be a faze they were going through, but somehow I doubted it.

I wander how everyone is going to react to this - who was going to accept it and who wasn't.  I wandered what Rocky and Coconut thought about it.

She came back into the house looking happier than I had seen her in a long time.  She didn't get upset when she saw my Dads ghost either, she actually got quite excited and even asked him for his autograph.

I found it pretty strange watching my Dads ghost cooking pancakes then sitting down to eat them.  It was strange to think he could cook better pancakes than I could and he was dead.  I was yet to repeat the nice pancakes I cooked once, they have been burnt offerings again ever since.  I could cope seeing my Dad's ghost it was quite a comfort for me to see him, it was Lemons ghost I could not cope with, thankfully since that one appearance she has made I have not seen her since.

The evening of prom arrived and Larna was waiting for Angel and the Limo to arrive.  She was pasing up and down and driving me mad.

"Sit down before you wear a hole in that floor."
"Ha! Funny!!!  What if she doesn't turn up Dad."
"Well there is a taxi just pulling up outside - oh."

I watched Rocky, Coconut, both of their kids and another boy all fall out of the taxi, which pulled off immediately because the Limo was right behind it.  The three kids got inside.

"The whole Giggs clan is here, but there is another boy with Angel and Benji"
"Oh that's just Caramel, he is Benji's boyfriend."
"Boyfriend!! Does Rocky know about them and you and Angel then?"
"Oh No - they would go mental - they think Benji is with me and Angel is with Caramel, we cover each others back, pretty clever really!!"
"No larna that's very sneaky and now you have put me in a difficult situation with my friends!!"

"Promise you won't tell them Dad!!"
"Just hurry up - the limo is waiting for you!!"
"I'm going - please don't say anything!!"
"I am not going to lie for you Larna but I won't go out of my way to tell them, but I am warning you if they say anything I won't cover for you - now go before they leave without you!!

I was laughing in my head at Rocky and Coconut messing about on my front, they looked like a pair of kids.

"Are you two going to stand out here all night or are you coming in?"
"Sorry Blake, we just came to see the kids off to prom."
"You could always rent a room - I don't charge"
"Cheeky sod!!!"

Me and Rocky started laughing but Coconut did not find it very amusing, I could tell who wore the trousers in their relationship and it wasn't Rocky.  She cut her eyes at him and he stopped laughing instantly.

It was Lacey's birthday

Lacey aged up nicely, she reminded me a little of Lemon.

I made something to eat, no guessiing what - salad.  Coconut was wandering why I didn't have a party for the kids birthdays.  I told her my Dad used to throw parties for everything and they usually ended up as a disaster, and parties really were not my thing.

Then Rocky asked me something that totally floored me
"So Blake, how serious do you think it is between Larna and Benji?"
How on earth was I supposed to answer that?
"Don't you mean Larna and Angel?"  Lacey spoke before I had chance to
"Larna isn't with Benji she is with Angel - they are lesbians"
Rocky started choking on his food and Coconut dropped her fork onto her plate.

"You have got it wrong Angel is with Caramel."
"How can you not know both of your kids are gay, its all round school, and everyone knows that Benji is Caramels boyfriend and Larna and Angel, well they ..."
"Ok Lacey you have said enough!!!!"
"Sorry Rocky she is telling the truth."
"And you knew?"
"About Larna and Angel yes, I only found out about Benji and Caramel just before they left for prom, I wondered who he was and Larna told me he was Benji's boyfriend"

Coconut went into total melt down, then went off home while Rocky just sat there stunned.  Both of his kids - that must be rough!!!  He stayed for a while but didn't want to talk about it.   He went home after Rhubarbs ghost scared him half to death.

Larna came back from prop pretty excited, she told me that Angel had asked her to be her girlfriend.  She wasn't too pleased when I told her that Lacey had blurted everything out infront of Rocky and Coconut, so they knew about her and Angel, Benji and Caramel and that they knew that I knew about it.

Lacey started to learn martial arts - it would be nice to have someone to spar with.  She got her first belt then I think got fed up because I did not see her touch the training dummie again so maybe I am not going to get a sparing partner after all.

I was pretty releaved when I saw Lacey out the front with Leon messing about like maybe they were getting romantically involved with each other.  They had been best friends since they started school and have never seen anything romantic between them.  Since Larna came out I was worried that Lacey and Luke might be the same - it has happened with Rocky's two children so it could quite easily be the case with mine.

After that Leon became an even more frequent visitor, coming home with Lacey after school.  I didn't see Angel again and Larna came home every night alone and was pretty miserable.  The Giggs kids had been permanently grounded by Coconut I think and Angel was not allowed to see Larna only at school.

Leon stayed over quite a lot but I only ever saw the occasional hugs and hand holding going on between them, nothing else.

When they were not together they were on the phone to each other.  Even though I found Leon to be a strange boy at times, he was a boy, that's all that mattered.

Luke had his birthday and became a teenager.

Any spare minute I am getting I am working on my Athletic and martial art skills

But I am nowhere near achieving my lifetime wish.



  1. OMG this chapter was so hilarious! The part where Rocky and Coconut find out both their kids were gay, oh I was laughing so much :) Great chapter :) And Lacey and Leon are cute!

  2. yeah i know Leon is growing on me he has that same cheeky grin that Liam has. but as the vote is going to kiss 2 and rocky is winning leon second it looks like it will be rocky and leon that she uses and abuses :)

  3. Great chapter! Rocky choking on his food was hilarious.Can't wait to see the kisses with Rocky and Leon.
