Friday 18 November 2011

Chapter 19 - Gen 2 - Blake

"I am really sorry about yesterday!!"
"Did it all get sorted in the end."
"Yes, I think so but it was hell in our house yesterday, you would have been really uncomfortable being there."

I had arranged to meet scarlet yesterday but cancelled because of everything going on with Angel and Larna, so I paid her a visit at work, but couldn't stop long it was pretty busy at the hotel.  The hotel is quite an interesting place, with a bar, cafe, pool, games room, gym, swimming pool and hot tub it was used by a lot of the towns residents as a recreational place to hang out.

On my way out I bumped into Leon and his Dad Liam, who asked me for my autograph

 Luke had his birthday and is now a young adult.

Scarlet came round after work and I asked her to move in with me, she also quit her job.

The kids were pretty amused that I had had Scarlet stay over, they had never seen me with anyone before, there had been nobody since Lemon died, so they thought it quite amusing that I had a love life.  They weren't too amused thought when they found out she had moved in, Lacey in particular didn't like Scarlet, I am not sure why.

I had to explain to her about our ghostly family wandering around at night.  I also had to explain that one of them was my ex wife.  I seriously needed to think about buying a plot of land to put the graves on.  I am not sure how Lemon is going to react to me and Scarlet being together, she might not bother but then again she might.

"I'll move the graves its not fair for you to see my ex wife wandering around."
"As long as she behaves I don't mind, it might upset the kids if they think you are moving them just because of me and I don't want them to hate me."
"I am sure they would understand, I know Lacey hates our ghostly residents."
"I don't think she likes me very much either."
"Give her time, its just strange for them at the moment I have been alone since Lemon died."

I had wanted to go to China for a while so that I could concentrate on my Martial Arts, I also wanted to travel with Scarlet so I thought now maybe we should take a holiday together.

"How do you fancy going to China?"
"Really - I have never been abroad before!!"
"I am warning you though, the main reason I want to go is to concerntrate on my Martial Arts, so I am worried you might get a little bored."
"I am sure I will be able to amuse myself and I might even have a go at it myself!!"

Scarlet was really excited but Larna was not amused.  She was worried about the wedding, but I told her we would only be away for a few days and back in plenty of time for the wedding.

So me and Scarlet went to China for three days.

The first thing we did when we got there was went to bed and not to sleep.

In the afternoon we went tot he Maritial Arts Acadamy and spent the rest of the day there.

Scarlet did keep herself amused and she even had a go at kicking the training dummie herself.

When fatigue set in I had to stop and take a break, so we sat talking for a while then watched the stars.

We got engaged.  I wanted to ask her to marry me before we came to China but I waited till we got here I thought it would be more romantic.  She said yes.  One thing that did worry me about our relationship, she is a lot younger than I am, she is actually not much older than Larna.

We went into the market to eat and while I was there I brought a few recipie books, Chinese food recipe's that you can not get at home.

The next day we went to the scholars Garden and I started training straight away while Scarlet kept herself amused fishing and playing Chess.

 When the fatigue set in again, after admiring the view through the telescope I went and joined her and we played a few games of chess.  After I beat her the third time she knocked over the pieces and stormed off.

Before she stropped off we started talking about work.  She said she would lke a career in education and was thinking about applying for a job at the school when we got back.

"I used to be a high school teacher."
"Really? When?"
"When I lived in Jugville, when Lemon and my parents died I quit because I had four small children to bring up alone and I would never have managed that and work too."
"You must be rich if you haven't worked all this time."
"My Granddad was a famous Superstar Athlete and My Dad was a famous Rock Star - he left me quite a lot of money and a big house when he died."
"So are you ever going back to work?"
"Yes I plan too once Autumn becomes a young adult, I am thinking of going back into teaching, I did really enjoy my job."

I found her round by the fire pit roasting one of the fish that she had caught, and as I was hungry too, I roasted something and we both ate.

I thought she might be in a mood with me but she was ok, the chess games were already forgotten, if I had known she was going to get so stroppy over it I would have let her win one.

Our second day was nearly over in China and I didn't feel like I had got anywhere with my Martial Arts.


ha!ha! Scarlet is a gold digger - I didn't realise that until she moved in.  After Blake met Scarlet he became very obsessed.  When they were at the fire pit they were hungry and the only thing Blake had to roast was a life fruit .:/  I love the way Blake has gone for a second "ugly" sim and it is quite cute that they did speak to each other quite a lot online before they actually met and became involved.


  1. LOL I have always wanted to have a Gold Digger sim. I wonder if she will roll a wish to see his ghost, like evil sims do? Could be interesting :) It is cute they were friends online first.

  2. I've never done a gold digger LTW either - I'll be curious to see how that turns out. And I'm glad Blake got with Scarlet, he didn't deserve to be alone. Athough with her being a gold digger and all .....

  3. Gold Digger Scarlet was scoping him out online I see! LoL
