Friday, 18 November 2011

Chapter 20 - Gen 2 - Blake

We travelled over to the Resolute Fist Retreat and that is where we spent the night.  Scarlet decided to take a nap while I did some more training.

I was pretty pleased that I mananged to increase a belt and a Martial Art skill level.

We decided not to go back to base camp and slept here in two single bed.  As Scarlet had already had quite a long nap she woke ages before me and read a Martial Arts skill book she had got at the market.

She surprised me with her first belt.

As there were not any double beds we improvised and got a little carried away in the shower before we had something eat then made our way back to the Martial Arts Academy.

I didn't known any one had seen us in the shower, Scarlet suffered her first public disgrace, we both had one for wahooing in a public area.  Quite embarrassing really!!

Scarlet discided she prefered the board breakers to the training dummies.  She managed to increase her martial arts skill quite a few levels.  I struggled but managed to increase to level 9 just before we had to go home.  Only one more level and I would have mastered both Athletics and Martial Arts, I was getting closer to achieving my lifetime wish.

It was nice to be home where we could relax.  We had quite a giggle when we realised our public disgrace had not followed us home.  Something I am really glad about I would have been pretty embarrassed if the kids had found out what we had been up to.

Not that we had learnt a lesson, a little risky when anyone of the kids could have walked out of the house any minute and caught us.  This time we got away with it.

The kids had left the place in quite a mess, it took us ages to clean up.   I was pretty surprised that Luke had not kept the place a little cleaner like us he has the neat trait and as a rule he generally helped me keep everything neat and tidy.

I was pretty pleased with myself, I have started to make more edible meals than burnt ones

Something I wasn't too pleased about, the atmosphere between Scarlet and the kids, especially Lacey.

"What is your problem Lacey, what did Scarlet do to you?"
"She is a gold digger!!"
"You are old enough to be her Dad and she is a gold digger, she wouldn't be here if you weren't rich, before you know it you will be wandering around with Mom and Grandad"
"Stop being so dramatic, I think you and me need a little chat later."
"Whatever but remember I warned you!!"

I stood back and watched them and it didn't seem to be that Lacey was the only one, Larna two was a little snappy with her too.  Autumn her was her usual quiet self, and Luke and Angel didn't seem to talk to her much either.

After Lacey cleaned up after everyone we had a chat.  She really didn't like Scarlet, she didn't trust her.  She was adamant that Scarlet was a gold digger.  I told her like I told the rest of the kids, they would just have to try and get on with her and stop the stupidity because we were getting married whether they liked it or not. I had put my life on hold to bring them up alone and now they were all old enough to look after themselves it was my turn to have a life.

At the weekend Larna and Angel were getting married.  We were all ready and waiting for the guests to arrive, Larna was worrying that nobody would come.

Rocky was the first to arrive, closely followed by everyone else.  The only invited guest that did not turn up - Coconut but she did tell Angel that she wouldn't be coming.  There were even a few uninvited guests among the crowd.

The ceremony went without a hitch

I was actually quite surprised when Coconut suddenly appeared just before the girls cut the wedding cake.  The next time I looked she was gone.  I don't think that Angel knew that her mother had put in appearance after all, even if it was for a few minutes.

Angel looked pretty happy about being married don't you think?!

It was not only the wedding today, but it was also Autumns birthday which she celebrated with the wedding guests.  Suddenly I felt like my job was done - all of the kids were now young adults.

There was really only one thing that concerned me about today, and I am sure it was not my imagination  Every time I looked for Rocky Lacey was close by, they seemed to spend the whole day together wherever he was so was she.  They talked a lot and quite a few times I watched them giggling like a pair of kids and at one point I am sure they were flirting with each other.

I think I might need to keep my eye on those two!!!


I was pretty sneaky with this wedding - all four blokes that Lacey wanted to kiss were invited and all turned up.  I wanted to see what Lacey would do having all four of them there.  Until I finish Blakes generation and take over with Lacey there was really nothing I could do with her because of the 4 locked in wishes, all i could do was leave her to freewill and help her do new wishes that she was rolling that I couldn't lock in.  She did actually not take any noticed of Leon, Caramel and Benji, everywhere Rocky was so was she, I did catch her trying to flirt with him once but they got interupted and it never happened again.

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