Sunday, 8 January 2012

Chapter 13 - Gen 3 - Lacey

I got a little worried when for the first time since we got together Rocky pushed me away.

"Rocky what's wrong?"
"Lacey I am not in the mood."
"Not in the mood for a hug, that's all I wanted, what is wrong with you?"

"I am sorry, but I am so tired, I can't keep up."
"What can't you keep up with?"
"Work, the house, the kids, your demands, I am feeling my age, it is all getting too much for me, I am so tired all the time."
"Well maybe you should retire or let up with everything you do around here there are enough of us to do stuff you just won't let anyone, I'l look after Cain from now on, you put your feet up."
"I suppose, but I don't want to retire just yet."

After a night off and a good nights sleep, he got up as normal and carried on like we had never had that conversation last night - he was never going to let up, it wasn't in his nature.

Prom came around and we had five excited teenagers running around getting ready for prom.  None of them had dates for prom that I knew to and while it was a first prom for Cody, Kai, Cory and Casey, it was a second prom for Jasmine.

It was pretty interesting to learn what had gone on at prom and to find out that Rocky's worst fear had been partly true as three of our children are showing signs of being gay.

With it being Jasmines second prom she was not so excited as the others.  Her romantic interest wouldn't be there as he was now a young adult and left school.  For the second time she was made Prom Queen, this did not go down too well with Casey.

Cody was Prom king and came home with two romantic interests a boy called Jaamal and a boy called Chuck.  So the rumours flying around about Cody being gay seemed to be true.

Kai also came out of prom with the same romatic interest as Cody.  Jaamal I think was going to cause a problem between the two boys in the future, so Kai I think is also gay.

Casey was the biggest shock for me.  She came out of prom with a love intrest who too was female, Pepper Plum, so it appears that Casey too may be gay.

When it came to Cory I dreaded what I might here, I automatically presumed he too would tell me he was gay, so I was nicely surprised and a little amazed when he told me he actually had a girlfriend.  Sugar Orchid.  The Orchid family were new to town and as yet I had not met any of them.

Straight away Cody and Kai started the bickering over Jaamal.  Cody heard Kai talking to Jaamal on the phone and all hell broke loose.  The boys had always been pretty close up until now - I could see this causing a right rift between them.

Then just to rub it in Kai's face that he had won the fight over who was getting Jaamal he brought him home from school with him.

Rocky had been pretty clueless up until now as he had been at work when they returned from prom, he walked out to clean up the newspapers and caught Cody and Jaamal, so now he knew about Cody at least.

"Rocky I need to tell you something, now that you have got over the shock of Cody being gay"
"I don't like the sound of this."
"It's not just Cody."
"Oh no - please tell me its not all of them."
"No its Kai and Casey too."
"What about Cory?"
"He has a girlfriend."

"Oh God, Lacey I'm sorry!!"
"What are you apologizing for, it's not your fault and I don't care as long as they are happy."
"How can you say it is not my fault when five of my eight kids are gay and we don't know about Cain yet."
"I know Cain is the only one that I can not afford to be gay!!"
"What if he is?"
"I don't know, then I am stuffed and back to square one again, we just have to pray that he is straight!!"

Cain had his birthday and became a child.  He gained the Neat trait like his Dad and Granddad.

Like when all the other kids aged up, Cain made a beeline for Rocky

As it was the weekend they spent all of Saturday outside fishing and nattering,

Jasmine had her birthday and became a young adult.

It was hard to believe that already she was all grown up and graduating.

The graduation ceremony didn't take place until the Tuesday of the next week, at City Hall.  We had time off work and the kids had time off school.  We all went with the exception of Casey who had been grounded the night before and for once Rocky put his foot down and told her she could stay home and do some chores.

My nephew Jay was also graduating at the same time as Jasmine so I saw my brother Luke and Topaz, it felt like a proper family day out and it was a really nice day.

Jasmine graduated with the highest honours.  She was the class Valedictarian and deemed the most likely to become a Rock Star.  Jay did pretty well too.

 As soon as we got back home after graduation Rocky and Jasmines phone started ringing virtually at the same time.  Jasmine was talking to Caramel and Rocky was talking to Benji.

"Benji slow down!!"
"Now Benji, start again from the beginning and slowly this time."

After what seems like ages Rocky finished his call with Benji

"Don't worry Son, I'll sort it out."

"Lacey where is Jasmine?"
"She was on the phone to Caramel then she just took off, didn't say where she was going."
"I am going to KILL HER!!"
"Why Rocky, what's the matter?"

Chapter 14
It was pretty funny when Casey went to walk out the door with everyone else to go to Jasmines graduation Rocky stopped her and a little pop us came up which said something like "Oh no you don't young lady, you are grounded don't even think about leaving the house"