Monday 20 February 2012

Chapter 12 - Gen 4 - Cain

Apricot came home from work, laid a bomb shell on me that made me think, she said that she wanted us to get married before the kids were old enough to realise that we weren't and she wanted another baby.

then she just took herself off for a nap.  She was sleeping when I went up to speak to her.  The marriage thing I could do, the baby thing I wasn't too sure about.  I was happy with the three I had I hadn't even given a thought to having any more children.

So we got married, closely watched by Genie who kept asking us what we were doing.

It was quite comical trying to exchange rings when all you can hear is
"What Daddy doin?" "What Mommy doin?"
Then there is something that Genie always does when me and Apricot start kissing each other - she starts screaming the house down.

I really don't know why she does it, any time she spots me and Apricot kissing each other she starts crying, she must either think we are hurting each other or she doesn't like it when she is not getting the attention.  So I pick Genie up and she immediately stops crying - then along comes Laney who starts because she hates it when I pay attention to one of the other two.

We have to wait until the kids are asleep to spend some time together.  Tomorrow is their birthday and I try to squeeze in a bit of last minute potty training - the girls can both walk talk and use the potty chair on their own, it is just Kelly who still doesn't use the potty alone, and is not quite there with his walking.

"So did you give any thought to us having another baby."
"No not yet."
"Don't you want another baby?"
"Honestly at the moment - no."

"I thought you would want more seeing as you never saw these three as babies."
"That's probably why I still don't think it has sunk in properly yet that I have those three."
"You will think about it won't you"
"Yes Ill think about it."

Then one thing lead to another and we weren't exactly careful.  I just hope I didn't just give her what she wanted because I really am not ready for more kids just yet.

I managed to get Kelly potty trained just in time on the day of his birthday.

Apricot also managed to teach him to walk too, just in time.

As it was their birthday we had them a little playground built.

Which Apricot couldn't help but to test out.

Genie was the first one to age up.  She gained the Neat trait.

Laney next, she had an automatic Genius trait locked in, it must have been all the books we read together.  As the girls were pretty much still identical and hard to tell apart Apricot made sure she fixed their hair differently so we could tell who was who instantly.

Kelly was the last to age up and he gained the Artistic trait.

Now that the triplets are older and more independent, I got a lot of my time back which gave me a chance to do a lot more painting, especially when they were at school.  Luckily our stupidity in the hot tub had not resulted in another pregnancy.  Apricot desperately wants another baby but I still don't have any wish for one.

Apricot also got to spend a lot more time improving her guitar skill for work which she had pretty much neglected and had been holding her back, as it had been a long time since she has had a promotion.

Things changed a little when they became child age.  Laney clung to me a lot less and was quite happy to be off playing with Kelly.  Their favourite place was the sandpit where they spent a lot of their time together playing.

Genie however became my shadow.  She hung around me all the time.  I taught her the Egyptian song that I learnt on my short visit to Egypt.

Most nights too she hunted me down to help her with her homework.  Only I don't think she really needed my hindrance as most of the time she was teaching me and telling me the answers not the other way round - I was never exactly the sharpest pencil in the box!!.

Being Athletic I got a little companion a lot of the time when I did my daily work outs - Genie would appear and start working out too.

She also too had to be kicked off our bed and out of our rooms most nights.

Laney and Kelly started to spend a lot of time painting.  So the three of us were playing musical easels all the time and there were half finished paintings all over the place.

They even found the easel on the balcony.

But to get a permanently free easel I had to play crafty and put a lock on the balcony door so only I could use that one easel.

The triplets were all doing pretty well at school all getting A grades.  Apricot has now worked her way up to being Band Manager at work, my painting job was level 8 and with Athletics mastered and level 9 martial arts I am only one level away from mastering martial arts and achieving my life time wish.

We decided to have a family day out at Pineapple park and once me and Apricot had got the usual photo and autograph hunters satisfied we got down to enjoying our day out together.

I did a little martial arts practice while the kids played on the park and Apricot entertained everyone with her guitar playing which is now really coming on very well.

Kelly called his best friend Ashley Heirloom to the park and she came along with her Dad Peter Plum.

Kelly spent the rest of the day with Ashley.  It wouldn't surprise me if they started dating when they become teenagers which is frighteningly not too far away.

Genie did a little fishing while Laney played on the playground with a teenage girl who I didn't know.  Apricot still playing her guitar.

We didn't need to leave the park to eat, I made hot dogs on the outdoor barbecue.

We had a really good day out but it was getting dark and the girls were getting tired, Kelly had gone off to spend the night at Ashleys house and it was time we were going home.

We thought the girls had gone off to bed so we decided to spend some time together in the hot tub.  Then I suddenly decided I wanted something.

"How do you fancy trying for a baby?"
"Yes, maybe it would be nice to have another one."

She didn't need to be asked twice.

We thought the girls were in bed when they were actually playing quietly in the sandpit.

The giggling and noise we was making attracted their attention - we got caught in the act good and proper by the girls!!  I have never been so embarrassed!!  Apricot quickly scampered off inside so that she did not have to face either of them.

"What Laney?"
"Genie and me wants to know what you and Mom was doing?"
"Swimming - (well, what else was I supposed to say!!) now isn't it time you and Genie went to bed."
"Can you read to me please."

She was giggling - I swear she knows what we were really doing.  The little madam!!!!

Their childhood had gone already - it was their birthday and they were becoming teenagers.

Laney got the natural cook trait.

Genie got the Party Animal trait.  Both girls look just how I remember Apricot at their age.

Kelly got the Hopeless Romantic trait.

The next day I got the phone call that I knew one day would come and dreaded.

"Hey Reece, how you doing?"
"Bad news bro."
"Yeah - she died last night in her sleep, I am sorry Cain!!"
"Your Dad? how is he?"
"He went this morning."
"Yeah I am still in shock too - one minute he is crying the next gone."
"Maybe he didn't want to live without Mom."
"No I don't think he did - anyway I've made a decision, I am moving to Rainbow Valley, there is nothing for me to stay in Roach Valley for, besides I have a nephew and neices to meet."
"That's great - Reece you will bring the graves with you won't you"
"Yes, I have one more thing to do for Mom anyway."
"Which is?"
"I promised I would put her headstone with your Dads, she was not please Cain when she realised that you took it with you."
"I know she phoned me and went mad!! So are you going to be staying with us till you get settled?"
"No, I've already put the wheels in motion and bought a house on Raspberry Avenue."
"There is only one house on Raspberry Avenue - and its right oposite my house!!"
"Yeah I know - google maps come in handy sometimes!!  Well, I'll be there late tomorrow night so I'll phone you Thursday morning once I get up."
"Ok squirt - can't wait!!"

"I'm sorry Cain - I liked your Mom."
"I wish I had made the time to visit before she died."
"I think she will forgive you, anyway you will have your little brother here soon, that will be nice for you!!"

Ashley Heirloom is the daughter of Strawberry Heirloom made by Buckeygirl80.  Ashley and Kelly quickly became best freinds and spend a lot of time together - i would not be surprised if she plays a part in his future.

1 comment:

  1. Kelly's just cute looking. I really like his coloring.
